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P.S International

Hiring Strategy in Covid-19 Phase.

As you know Covid-19 continues and the third wave is feared to come soon shortly as per the WHO, therefore in this situation the industry is facing huge challenges in hiring the right talent as well as retaining the current workforce.

The biggest challenge in this period is to find out suitable candidates for their various strategic positions in the organizations.

The companies can make this complex task easy by following measures.

1) Referral Programmes-

This is the most effective tool when new companies want to go for new recruitments and the organization should use it as a top Hire tool for saving cost and time. The HR of the company can communicate to their current employees to give reference of their friends, relative, colleagues from previous companies etc. They can also announce some sort of incentive for such references. The employee’s attrition rate will also be less if organizations use Referral programmes.

2) Use of Social Media-

Social media is another powerful tool for hiring suitable candidates and equally result oriented for Hiring IT professionals. Today’s Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram and Twitter etc are the platforms which is widely used by all. Posting your requirement on such platforms will give you the right candidates profiles. It is a faster and cost-effective tool for hiring.

3) Job Rotations and Skills Training:

Organizations should evaluate their current workforce and reshuffle the manpower where it is required. Job rotations is a very good concept adopted by many big and small organizations. Many companies prefer to train their employees in various functions to mould them for future CEO and top management. The advantage of the job rotations is that the organization's work does not suffer because of any person.

The Skills Trainings for the employees also make them capable of multitasking and helps organizations to run smoothly for their current workforce. The employee relations with the subordinate and superior is very important to understand the exact need for skills development.

4) Hire Employees through Recruitment Consultants:

Organizations should take the services of professional Recruitment consultants to get the desired talents. Recruitment consultants have a strong database and various tools to find out the most suitable candidate in a very short time. In the time of Covid-19, consultants are using various tools like Audio/ Video interviews for remote interviews, AI for best talent hunt, Remote background checks and also make it easy for the employees to join remotely.

This is a very cost-effective way for the organizations as the recruitment consultants helps organizations to fill their positions fast, saves the cost of hiring, provide the best available manpower in the industry for specific functions.

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